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Back pain

Back pain can come in different severities, the major reason why back pain is suffered is due to how active the body is. We aren’t as active as our ancestors which causes irritation of nerves, muscle ache and joint pain. Fortunately, we have back braces which help immobilise and support the back.

Back braces

Back braces are normally broken into two different categories. Scoliosis is normally supported by a more rigid and restrictive back brace. The common brace is elastic and is used for compression and minor restriction in motion.

How does a back brace help back pain?

You can reduce back pain by providing extra spinal support through a brace for the lower back. The brace will help load management by shifting some of the weight to your core. By shifting the weight there is less pressure on discs, joints and muscles. Reducing the micro-motions between vertebral segments will mean that you are in less pain and allows for healing.

How do you use a back brace?

It is very important that you are comfortable in your brace. Consider seeking professional physical advice on the brace for you as well as the fit. Wearing breathable clothes is important to prevent discomfort. Please do not wear the back brace while showering or allow it to get wet. Comfort always leads to being able to be active. Being active is important to upkeep the core muscles which support your back.

Athletic Braces stocks breathable and comfortable back braces for your lower back. We are Australian owned and operated which means the braces will be at your door in no time. Be one of thousands of Australians who is getting pain relief.
