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What is a knee brace?

A knee brace is a garment usually made of or a combination of foam, elastics, plastics or metal. Knee braces are usually used for recovery from an injury, usually sport related. There are many types of knee braces for different levels of support or immobilisation that is required. Most of these braces provide both compression as well as retains heat.

Types of knee braces

Are great braces for those who jump or run at high frequencies. The strap brace supports and relieves pressure from the knee.

The most common brace that comes in different shapes, sizes and colours. The sleeve brace can be worn under clothing to control swelling and mild knee pain.

Is the next level of support after sleeve braces. The wrap brace is usually worn during mild to moderate knee pain. The wrap retains heat and locks in the knee.

This brace is usually worn after surgery and usually requires alignment for where the knee bends. The hinged brace is only worn for higher levels of support and protection. These braces are quite bulky but maintains alignment when bending.

The knee cap is what is protected by this brace. Closed patella braces offer compression and support of the knee cap. The open patella brace is pressure relief but allows further movement.

Seek professional advice if you are unsure which brace is suitable for you, since every body is different.

Athletic Braces has fast shipping across Australia to get you the support you need at affordable prices. We are 100% Australian owned and operated.
